It's worth reading the entire essay, but here is a teaser.

It used to be the case that non-tenure-track faculty were assumed to be inferior to their tenure-line colleagues. These days, however, jobs have become so scarce in many fields that one’s position in the academic hierarchy is largely an accident of birth. One could probably instantly create a new university that would rival the world’s best simply by hiring from the pool of the un- and under-employed.

Even if academe were a magically pure meritocracy, there would be no reason to treat some of its members as second-class academic citizens. But perhaps the randomness makes an especially strong case for the general rule that contingent faculty should be treated as members of the academic communities of which they are indeed a part. There are three things that need to be done — two easy, one hard: welcome contingent faculty when they arrive, support them while they are there, and thank them when they leave.

Essay on how tenure-track faculty members should treat adjuncts @insidehighered.

Union of Adjunct Faculty – UAW

Did You Know?

Senior Adjunct Faculty

Because of our first union contract, there is an opportunity for contract professors (adjunct faculty) to advance to the level of Senior Adjunct Faculty.

  • Qualifications:

    • You must teach ten semesters (summer doesn’t count) and ten classes within a rolling seven year period.
  • Benefits:

    • Pay increase of 10% 
    • Job security: Senior Adjunct Faculty will be reappointed to subsequent semesters.  Teaching appointments are made in order of Seniority.
    • If your course is not offered, the University Administration must offer you other appropriate courses that you are qualified to teach.
    • If you have taught at least one course every semester for three years, and have maintained good evaluations, you must be offered one year appointments that maintain the pattern and number of courses you have taught in the preceding three years. 

Details can be found in our contract under section 13.  If you have any further questions, please e-mail us at